Light as the Edge of Darkness - Review
Edited by Cynthia MacKinnon
ISBN: 1-934284-00-1 (Trade Paperback)
Pages: 384
Pub. Date: April 2007
Publisher: The Writer’s CafĂ© Press
Looking at the cover of Light at the Edge of Darkness at first glance the reader would have to assume the stories bound between the covers have something in common, something mysterious, even frightful. Yet, in the middle of that cover is the striking shimmering figure of Christ on the Cross, and then the reader would have to ask a second question, tales of hope in a dark place? It stands to reason. Light and Darkness have been clashing since before the Fall of Man, going back to the greatest Fall of all, Lucifer’s rebellion and casting out.
This is a collection of Biblical speculative fiction written by members of the Lost Genre Guild. This collection of tales contains stories ranging from fantasy, sci-fi, all the way to cyberpunk–all written from a Christian world view. The groups main focus is to fill a void on Christian bookstore shelves hopefully to spill over into the secular realm. Will the average sci-fi / fantasy / horror reader shy away from such titles as these? Perhaps, but this is definitely the collection to change that perspective.
The authors of these stories are well crafted word-smiths, who have sharpened their pens and powered-up their word processors to brings some nail biting and chill-bumps to raise the hairs on the back of any reader’s neck. Monsters, you bet, they’re here. Aliens, killers, terrorists, all your thugs and symbols of evil abound to trample down the hopes of those trying to make it out. Though some of the stories border on dark, sinister themes, one has to realize that the true Dark that is out there is more evil and more sinister than what even Hollywood can envision. Some readers may draw offense to this collection, it is your choice. But there are some very good writers here and they have written from a place of hope, a place where the Darkness ends and the Light begins. Dare to venture, dare to walk the walk. There is always Light at the Edge of Darkness. — Steven Macon Y-30 Associate Editor
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